Saturday 11 May 2013

Graduation and party time

Hi guys

Well today was the last day of our 2 week course and what a day it was.

We had a little test for the participants in the morning and then in the afternoon we had ‘graduation’. We told them all to wear their best frocks and that we would have a party. We made cakes for them and took drinks and sweets and asked them to bring in some African music.

The day went really and we had an amazing graduation party. The classroom went off! We had African dancing and they were so please with the course that at the end they presented us with a kanga (sarong) and home made card and sang/chanted for us.

It was so sad to say goodbye to them as they were all so lovely and keen/interested to learn. I am keen to go back and see them again at their hospitals and do some more shifts with them before I go home, hopefully I will have the chance.

I went back and saw the ‘yellow hat’ baby who is thankfully still alive and doing ok. Still not sure where/how it’s mum is though. They said he was doing really well as its temperature was now 35.9! It was 34.1 two days ago so I guess that is an improvement!

We are off to the villages tomorrow so will have no phone/internet signal for a week. Apparently there is nowhere to buy food there and only a BBQ type thing to cook on so all we will get is rice and spinach, interesting. I have already lost 4kg in 2 weeks so looks like I may loss a few more, easy way to diet when there is nothing to eat LOL. Louise K, I may have fitted into that bridesmaid dress after all - who needs surgery!


Will update you next when I can.

Take care xx

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