Sunday 12 May 2013

Pit falls of living in Tanzania

Hi guys

Without taking away from the fact that I know I am very lucky and appreciate everything I have both here in Tanzania and at home and the fact that I know I live 5 star compared to the locals. I wanted to share some funny things with you all about living here.

Firstly, my shower is in my toilet - literally. I could sit on the toilet and have a shower at the same time (see photo)! Paul this would be an amazing idea for you as you spend so much time in both the toilet and the shower you could now multi task and been ready in half the time! Think if we ever build again I will add this innovative solution for you!

My bra is a money tree (no photo of this! LOL). Because it is not safe to take a bag out we put our money down our bra’s. The other midwives with smaller boobs are pleased about this bust enhancement and also put their phones and keys down there. I, on the other hand need no extra help in this department! Almost every night I forget about the money I have hidden down my bra and get undressed only to find all this money falls to the floor! Anyone would think I’d been working at a strip bar!

Mosquito’s eat me alive every night! No mater how much mossie spray I put on I get bitten every night. I get dressed and then spray all my naked skin (which isn’t a lot due to having to cover up). I get home and I find mossie bites on my neck, on my skin where my cloths have been, any where you possible. Today’s bites include hip and buttocks. How is that even possible LOL.

Our house is two doors down from a mosque. Four times a day this man comes on a speaker phone singing some Muslim prayers, including 4.30am! I wake up every morning thinking it’s Paul talking in his sleep again!

I go to work in the hospitals and dress up like a person working in a nuclear planet and lose half my body weight in fluid!

I’m sure there are many more to tell you but that is all I can remember right now. Hope it made you chuckle.

Take care xx


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